Lusaka Water Supply Sanitation and Drainage Project

Scope includes:
  • Rehabilitation of Iolanda Water Treatment Plant, Booster Stations, pipeline appurtenances
  • Non revenue Water Reduction
  • Rehabilitation and upgrade of water transmission mains
  • Expansion of water distribution networks
  • Expansion of sewer network and sewage pump station upgrades
  • Expansion and upgrade of Kaunda Square Sewage Ponds
  • Technical assistance for institutional strengthening

Rehabilitation of Kafue Water Treatment Plant-IOLANDA

The works will involve restoring the design capacity of the Iolanda Water Treatment Plant in Kafue to produce 110 Million Litres/Day or 110,000 Cubic Metres/Day. The plant is currently producing 98 Million Litres/Day.

This will see more water being produced and eventually pushed to Lusaka. in other words, this will create the capacity for Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (the Utility) to distribute the volumes of water required to meet projected increased demand.

Other works will involve the laying of the Lumumba, Roadside and Kamloops Pipelines. The combined cost of undertaking these works amounts to US $45.9 Million. The contract was signed on 3rd Dec, 2015 and will run for 24 Months.

Mtendere & Kamanga- Water & Sewer Reticulation

This project will address Water and sanitation challenges being faced in the two areas. Residents in most of Mtendere rely on shallow wells or walk long distances to fetch water from communal taps (kiosks), taking up valuable time. Women and children are most affected by the need to fetch water. The prevalence of pit latrines in Mtendere poses the danger of contamination to the underground water source, which currently provides about 11% percent of the water provided to the Lusaka Water Supply and Sewerage Company’s (LWSC) customers.

In addressing these challenges highlighted, the following works will be covered under the project

  • Water Supply Network: A total of 74.6 km of water supply network will be laid in the two area. Mtendere and kamanga will benefit 60.2km and 14.4 km of pipes and to be laid respectively.
  • Sewer Reticulation: a total of 82 km of sewer network will be constructed in Mtendere. Five (5) sewer interceptors to be constructed including upgrading the Salama Park pump station (including installation of 2 pumps). Chelstone pump station will also be upgraded that includes replacing of two (2) pumps, guard house and operators’ room to be constructed as-well.

This project is expected to benefit more than 155,000 people.  It will provide sewer connection to 9,400 households, and water connections to 6,400 households in Mtendere/Mtendere East.  A further 1,000 household water connections will be provided Kamanga residents.

Water supply and sewer network beneficiaries will enjoy improved health from access to clean water and improved health from the improved sewage system.  Less time will be spent gathering water.  A shift from the use of pit latrines will help protect the aquifers under Mtendere, and from which LWSC has 12 boreholes supplying water to various parts of Lusaka. The project has a total cost of US $22, 4 million

Kaunda Square Ponds

Kaunda Square Ponds - Rehabilitation

The Kaunda Square Waste Stabilisation ponds, located in the eastern part of Lusaka were constructed in the late 1970s to treat waste water for a population of about 18,000. However, with the growth in population over the years and economic develop­ments in the city of Lusaka, there has been a corresponding increase in waste water flow to the ponds. Despite the increase in waste water flow, the design capacity has remained the same thus overloading the system.

The works under this project will therefore involve the rehabilitation of the Ponds and further expand them to increase the treatment capacity to 156,000. The project contract was signed in November 2015 with a cost of approximately $9.9 million.

Ndeke and Kwamwena, – Water Reticulation

With Lusaka expanding and new development areas coming up, Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company through Millennium Challenge has embarked on the construction of new water networks to cover Meanwood Ndeke and Kwamwena.

This project will see eighteen (18) boreholes being  drilled in locations with high quality underwater aquifers, lay over 250 kilometers of water supply network, and build 33 closed kiosks, each with two taps in SOS Village, Chipata and N’gombe.

An addition 30 meter high elevated concrete reservoir is currently under constructing which will have a capacity of 700 000 litres

An addition of a concrete ground reservoir  tank is under construction with the capacity of 800 000 litres to supply the area.

The project cost of all construction works under the project is  US$21.9 million

Ndeke and Kwamwena