The Kalingalinga Sanmark Project
The kalingalinga Sanmark project is a first project of its kind in Lusaka city aimed at connecting a peri urban area to a sewer network using a condomial network. The project will uplift the well-being of the people through the provision of sanitation services. This project will see the construction of a new sewer network and individual household build their own toilet and connect. It is an on-going project being implemented in 3 phases estimated to benefit about 48,000 people.
Project Phase 1
Phase one (1) of the project started and is near completion. It involved construction of 3 km of condominium sewer network of various pipe sizes, construction of 5.6km of water network to improve water pressures in the project area, Sanitation marketing, community mobilizations & sensitization on WASH. Phase 1 is aimed at connecting over 150 households.
Project Phase 2 & 3
Phase two (2) and three (3) of the project is expected to commence as soon as possible through the Lusaka Sanitation Program